Here are some misconceptions about swimming that you should consider before making plans for your new pool.
When you are thinking of installing a swimming pool, you may be doing so being inspired by the likes of Michael Phelps or Simone Manuel. Swimming is an exciting sport to undertake and sometimes it can seem like the ideal hobby to undertake when trying to get healthy or get their family out of the house during the summer. Here are some misconceptions about swimming that you should consider before making plans for your new pool.
Hydration Isn’t Important While Swimming
This is a big misconception that all parents should know for long summer days in your family pool. Just because you are in the water and may not feel thirsty doesn’t mean you don’t need to drink. Part of the reason why we don’t drink while we swim is that we can’t tell if we are sweating or not. Hydration is important for any swimmer, whether they swim professionally or just for fun.
Kicking Isn’t Important
When teaching your family to swim or when trying to teach yourself how to swim properly, it is important to remember that kicking is NOT overrated. Most kicking when it comes to swimming must be developed, and it is natural to overcompensate with the arms to restore balance or streamline. Encourage your kids or yourself to keep trying to kick, working with your arms to propel through the water. This can be equally effective advice if someone is caught in a deep end of a pool and struggling to stay afloat. A powerful kick cannot be underestimated.
Swimming Is The Key to Health
Swimming can be a great way to burn calories as it is low impact and can be a great start to get your body moving. The benefits of swimming aren’t exaggerated, it will help you burn calories and boost your metabolism, but it also needs to be used in conjunction with a healthy diet to improve your health. Keep swimming in your custom pool to burn those calories!
Install A Residential Pool With Paradise
Have you considered that installing a residential pool might be the right thing for your family? Kick back and spend your summer days relaxing in a backyard oasis created by Paradise Pools. We have the expertise to walk you through every step of the buying and installation process. Ready to take the next step? Contact us online or give us a call at 301-725-0005. For fun pool ideas and other safety tips follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and Houzz.